Surya Sen Colony, Block B, Siliguri
Dist.: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (India)-734004
Phone : +91 353-2691488, +91 94763 87939


Govt. Aided College & Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b) :: Established in: 1998
Masterda Surya Sen

Indian revolutionary
and School Teacher

22 Mar1894 - 12 Jan 1934


Various State Government and Central Government Scholarships:

  1. Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship (click here)
  2. Post Matric Scholarships (click here)
  3. Minority Scholarships (click here)
  4. Kanyashree (Only for Unmarried Girls by the State Government) (click here)
  5. Chief Minister’s Scholarship (Offline Mode of Application)  

Corporate House Scholarship:

College Provides opportunities for the students to apply to different Corporate Houses , who has provision for sanctioning Scholarships under their CSR Activities. At present, SR Jindal Scholarship by Jindal Steel & Power Company has sanctioned scholarships to our students. The eligibility criteria, Amount and others are available in the website.

For further Details:


Institutional Scholarship / Freeship / Free Uniform Distribution, Medical Assistance Etc

  1. MERIT CUM MEANS SCHOLARSHIP: The institution provides Merit cum Means scholarship to limited number of students. The number of such scholarship and the amount depends on the total contribution received from the donors. The application for this is notified in the month of August and the scholarship is distributed to all on the Foundation Day of the College, i.e. on 15th September every year. The Scholarship Committee after scrutinizing the applications, finalize the list of students, who will be awarded the scholarship. The scholarship amount is transferred to the account of the students directly.

  2. FREESHIP (FULL FREE / HALF FREE) SCHEME: The institution provides Full Free & Half Free to limited number of students. The number of such scheme depends on the number of applicants and economic conditions of the student. Generally, all the students who apply for this scheme, either get full free / half free. In Full free Scheme, after deducting the statutory fees like University Fee, State Government Fee, Students’ Council / Union Fee, Health Home Fee, Student’s Aid Fund etc, balance amount is transferred to the students. In half free scheme, 50 % of the Full Free amount is transferred to the beneficiary student. Approximately 200 Students are benefitted from this scheme every year.

  3. FREE UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION: Free Uniform is distributed to all the applicants who are economically backward and apply for the scheme. 150 numbers of Free Uniform is distributed every year. This number may increase / decrease depending upon the number od applicants subject to approval of the Governing Body.

  4. PARTIAL MEDICAL ASSISTANCE: The college the provision for providing partial medical assistance to the poor and needy students, subject to approval of the Governing Body. The amount of such medical assistance depends on the seriousness of the disease, varying from Rs.10,000/- to Rs.30,000/- per applicant. But, the amount may increase after the approval of the Governing Body. There is no fix number of students for this scheme.

Institutional Merit-cum-Means Scholarship
The following students have been selected for the Merit-cum-Means Scholarship of Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya for the session 2023-24. They will be conferred with the Scholarship on 18.09.2018 on the occasion of Foundation Day of the College.

The following students have been selected for the Merit-cum-Means Scholarship of Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya for the session 2017-18. They will be conferred with the Scholarship on 18.09.2018 on the occasion of Foundation Day of the College.

Affiliated under NBU

Block B, Surya Sen Colony
P.O. : Siliguri Town Dist. : Jalpaiguri,
West Bengal (INDIA), Pin : 734004
Phone (Office): +91 353-2691488
Phone (Helpline): +91 94763 87939

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