Surya Sen Colony, Block B, Siliguri
Dist.: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (India)-734004
Phone : +91 353-2691488, +91 94763 87939


Govt. Aided College & Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b) :: Established in: 1998
Masterda Surya Sen

Indian revolutionary
and School Teacher

22 Mar1894 - 12 Jan 1934

Principal's Message :

Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya (SSM) is a co-educational college located in Siliguri. Established on September 15, 1998, the college offers undergraduate courses in all three streams: Arts, Science, and Commerce. It is one of the first five prime co-education colleges of Siliguri. The college has been affiliated with North Bengal University since 1998, and it is recognized by UGC under 2(f) and 12(b). Additionally, it is an ISO 9001:2015 certified and ISO 21001: 2018 and NAAC Accredited institution. The college is celebrating its Silver Jubilee Year this year.

In this Silver Jubilee Year, the SSM fraternity remembers the philanthropists of Siliguri whose effort during 1998 gave birth to this Mahavidyalaya. Among them, the first name that comes to our mind is the Late Bikash Ghosh, the then Mayor of Siliguri Municipal Corporation and the first President of our Governing Body (15/09/1998 to 27/12/2001). His endeavor continued with the Second President of the G.B., Late Swapan Kumar Sarkar, whose vision was realized after establishing the institution in its own campus at Surya Sen Colony. On September 15, 1998, Siliguri College began its morning shift with the Late (Dr) Janhabi Bhusan Bose as the in-charge Principal. The Organising Committee held its first meeting on September 25, 1998, which was graced by Sri Ashoke Bhattacharya, the then Hon'ble MiC, Municipal Affairs and Urban Development, Govt. of West Bengal.

The SSM fraternity expresses its heartfelt gratitude to T.C. Mittal Memorial Trust for their unconditional support, providing financial assistance for constructing its present Academic and Administrative Block, named T.C. Mittal Memorial Block, the first Academic building of the institution. During this 25 years of journey, we are indebted to Sri Gautam Deb, the then Hon'ble MiC, NBDD and Tourism; Sri Ajit Agarwala, Trustee, Amit Agrawala Trust; Late Krishna Chandra Paul, Ex-President G.B. ( 02/07/2016 to 18/09/2019); Sri Satya Narayan Garg & Smt. Bimla Devi Garg is one among others. The SSM fraternity is obliged to P.C. Chandra Group for extending their financial support since 2019 to the institution for books, infrastructural development and provision of drinking water for the students under their CSR fund. We are also grateful to Union Bank of India, Deshbandhupara Branch, Bandhan Bank, S.F Road Branch and Axis Bank, Siliguri Branch, for their CSR Support for providing drinking water facilities for the staff and students.

Further, in co-curricular activities, our NSS Volunteers and NCC Cadets have actively participated in different social outreach programmes organized by the state government. This year, NSS Unit II is awarded by the H.E, President of India as one of the Best NSS Unit of the Country ; two of our NSS Volunteers, Ms. Priyanka Roy & Ms. Subharthi Das, NSS Unit-II, were awarded Best Volunteers by the WB Higher Education Department; 1 NCC Cadet, Sri Abhimanyu Singh has represented at the RDC Parade 2023 at New Delhi & also selected to represent India for International Cultural Exchange Programme in Nepal and 7 cadets are selected for the TSC. Similarly, four students have received awards/scholarships from the Sports Board, University of North Bengal.

This year as per the directive of Higher Education department, Govt of West Bengal, the college has started Four Year UG Programme under NEP 2020 as per the structure approved by the University of North Bengal. We feel proud to provide quality education by equipping our students with skills, confidence and a positive approach for all-round development. The college is relentlessly striving to perceive and maintain academic excellence while encouraging the students to participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. There prevails an amicable environment at the college that nurtures students' creativity, passion, resilience and leadership qualities to develop versatile personalities. We have also completed the library automation process and the initiation of the Institutional Repository. A high-tech Language Laboratory to develop the communication skills of the students under the aegis of the Department of English is made operational. All the departments have digital classrooms for the online teaching-learning process.

Faculties are engaged in various academic developmental activities like publications in Journals attending and presenting papers in different Regional, National and International webinars and seminars. The Research and Development Cell has taken a keen interest in developing the Academic Skills of the faculties by organizing different skill development programmes through Faculty Development Programmes. The Cell has published Two edited Books this year. We are indebted to our G.B. for sanctioning Rs.40,000/-.

For me, as a Principal, the progress of an institute depends mainly on the performance of the students in academic, sports and cultural activities, along with maintaining high values and ethics. The management highly supports the overall development of students, staff and faculty. We are equally committed to producing quality graduates at a competitive level in line with international educational philosophy who can bring meaningful changes to the mundane system. This aligns with our nation's aspiration to build a generation of professionals capable of addressing the challenges of a new world order.

Further, we have planned for the NAAC visit for 2nd Cycle of Accreditation during the 1st half of 2024.

I congratulate all the stakeholders on this day and hope for more institutional development in the coming years.


M.A. (Gold Medal), M.Phil, Ph.D
LL.B, M.A. (P.M.I.R.)


Educational Background

  Ph. D in Sociology from Nagpur University on "Industrial Development and Social Change" - A sociological study of impact of industrialization on social institutions in Nagpur city. 2002
 M.A in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations from North Orissa University, Baripada. 2002
 Bachelors Degree in Law from Utkal University. 1996.
 M.Phil in Sociology from Nagpur University, 1993
 M.A in Sociology from Nagpur University, 1992
 B.A. (Sociology Hons) from Utkal University, 1990.

Scholastic Achievements:

 Conferred 4th position in M.A. (PMIR) Examination, 2002, North Orissa University, Baripada.
 Conferred Gold Medal for having stood First in M.A, Sociology,1992.Nagpur University, Nagpur
 Conferred 7th Position in B.A ( Hons) examination, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar (1990)


23+ Years of functional experience in Academic, Administration & Research.

Workshops / Seminars / Conferences / Training Programs Attended:

  Participated in the workshop on ' International Humanitarian Law', organized by International Committee for Red Cross and Sikkim (Central) University, December 9-11th 2009.
  Presented Paper on 'Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children' in a National Conference, organized by Meghasan College, Nudadiha, Sponsored by University Grants Commission on 26-27 December, 2009.
 Participated in the Workshop on 'Research Methodology on Health', Organized by US-India Education Society, and Government of Sikkim from 26-28th April 2010. Participated in the Workshop on 'Research Methodology'; jointly organized by ICSSR (NE) & Sikkim (Central) University, August 20-23rd 2010.
  Presented a Paper on " North-Eastern India: Educational Development and Problems" at the 19th Annual Conference cum Seminar of North East India Educational Society ( NEIES), organized by Harkayamaya College of Education, Gangtok, on 27 & 28 June 2011.
  Presented a Paper on " Women & Domestic Violence: An Empirical Study" at the National Seminar , Organized by Department of Political Science, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha on 22nd & 23rd January 2012.
  Presented a Paper on " Importance of Statistics in Library & Information Sciences" at the U.G.C & C.R.O, Bhopal ; Sponsored National Seminar on "Changing Scenario of Library & Information Science Education In India" , Organized by Department of Library & Information Sciences, Thakur Ranmat Singh ( Auto) College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh on 26th February 2012.
  Presented a Paper on "Information Technology Policy And Trade In Global Market (With Special Reference to Sikkim) at the National Seminar Organized by Deptt. of Commerce, Sikkim Govt. College, Tadong on 27 -28th March 2012.
  Attended 6th Principal's Workshop organized by Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 21st-24th ,January 2013.
  Presented a Paper on "Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI): An Innovation in Modern Teaching Learning Process" at the NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on " Strategies for Enhancing the Quality in Teacher Education Programme" Organized by Harkamaya College of Education, Tadong on 29 -30th April 2013. [ ISBN No. 978-93-82359-25-8 (Print) / ISBN No. 978-93-82359-24-1 (E-book)]
  Attended Orientation Programme on "Planning and Management of Higher Education Institutions for College Principals of Educationally Backward Districts" organized by Deptt. of Higher & Professional Education, National University of Educational Planning & Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi from September, 30 - October,5; 2013.
 Presented a paper entitled " Immigrants in South Asia: A Study on the Impact of Bangladeshi Immigrants on the local People in Kendrapara District in Odisha" at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Resource Mobility in South Asia, orgainized by Deptt. of Geography, Sikkim Government College, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim on 18-19th October 2013.
 Co-chaired in the technical session - IV on " Human Trafficking : Issues and Challenges in South Asia" at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Resource Mobility in South Asia, orgainized by Deptt. of Geography, Sikkim Government College, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim on 18-19th October 2013.
  Invited by Education Department, Govt. of Gujarat , attended two days' National Education Submit' on 'Towards Educating Young India' organized jointly by Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat , and various Universities / Institutions in Gujarat at Mahatma Mandir , Gandhinagar on 10th and 11th January, 2014.
 Presented a paper on "Regional Disparities and Human Resource Development in Odisha", at the National Interdisciplinary Seminar on 'Integrated Regional Planning and Human resource Development in India: Efforts, Achievement and Challenges', organized by Deptt. of Geography, Parishkar College of Global Excellence, Jaipur, Rajasthan in collaboration with Indian Human Ecology Council (CHEC-India) India Chapter of Commonwealth Human Ecology Council, London on 11th February 2014.
  Participated at the Two days Orientation Programme for Coordinators held on 21st & 22nd March 2014 organised by Inidra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) , Regional Centre , Gangtok.
  Participated at the Five days Orientation Programme on "Planning and Management of Higher Education Institutions" for College Principals of NE Region held during 16- 20th June 2014 at NEHU, Shillong, organised by NUEPA, New-Delhi.
  Organizing Secretary, ICSSR Assisted National Seminar on " Life Skills Education : Prospects & Challenges", held on 30th & 31st July 2014, organized by Harkamaya College of Education, Gangtok.
  Presented a paper on "Rural Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups", at the National Interdisciplinary Seminar on 'Rural Empowerment in India: Efforts, Achievements and Constraints', organized by Deptt. of Geography, Government College , Rhenock, Sponsored by ICSSR and HRDD, Govt. of Sikkim, on 15th November, 2014.
  Presented a paper on "Higher Education at Cross Road", at the National Seminar organized by Deptt. of Education, Ravenshaw University , Cuttack, Odisha on 26th and 27th December 2014.
  Participated at the Seminar on "Time Management for Effective Teaching: A Vision or An Illusion", organized by ASTHA School of Management , Bhubaneswar, Odisha on 11th January 2015.
  Participated in the work shop on " A Psycho-Social Enquiry into Suicide : Suggestions and Interventions", Organised by Deptt. of Sociology, Sikkim University in collaboration with Deptt. of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Sikkim from 28th -29th May 2015.
  Working Committee Member ( Article Review Editorial Board) in the Inter-disciplinary National Seminar on ' Rural Empowerment in India: Efforts, Implementation and Challenges' organized by Department of Geography, Government Post-Graduate College, Baran, Rajasthan, 0n August 28th ,2015.
  Participated One day work shop on ' Knowing IQAC', organized by IQAC , Sikkim University on 28th August 2015. Working Committee Member in the ICSSR Sponsored Inter-disciplinary National Seminar on ' Regional Disparities in India: Prioritization, Participation and Prospects' organized by Sikkim Government College, Burtuk, Gangtok , 2nd -4th , November 2015.
  Presented a paper on ' Regional Disparities and Challenges in Development: A Case Study of Kalahandi District in Odisha' in the ICSSR Sponsored Inter-disciplinary National Seminar on ' Regional Disparities in India: Prioritization, Participation and Prospects' organized by Sikkim Government College, Burtuk, Gangtok , 2nd -4th , November 2015.
  Chairperson at the Technical Session-II on the theme ' Social Components of Development in India: Identification, Issues and Strategies' in the ICSSR Sponsored Inter-disciplinary National Seminar on ' Regional Disparities in India: Prioritization, Participation and Prospects' organized by Sikkim Government College, Burtuk, Gangtok , 2nd -4th , November 2015.
  Working Committee Member at the National Interdisciplinary Seminar on ' Changing Trends of Tourism and It's Impact on Livelihood' organized by Sikkim Government College, Tadong, Gangtok on 6th November 2015.
  Presented a Paper entitled, ' Island Tourism: A Socio-economic Study of Andaman and Nicober Islanders' at the Inter-disciplinary National Seminar organized by Sikkim Government College, Tadong, Gangtok on 6th November 2015. Presented a Paper entitled ' Women Empowerment Through Microenterprises in Odisha: A Case Study of SHGs' at the National Seminar organized by NIRD-PR ( NERC), Guwahati held on 7-8th December, 2015.

National / International Publications:
  'Industrial Development and Social Change'; Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN No. 2231-6639; Vol.1, Issue.1, April, 2011.
  'Socio-Economic Problems of Rehabilitations in U.I.H.E Project in Odisha' Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN No. 2231-6639; Vol.2, Issue.1, April, 2012.
  'The Problems of Aged People: A Sociological Study'; Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN No. 2231-6639; Vol.3, Issue.1, April, 2013.
  'Nicobari Tribe: A Sociological Study'; Wizcraft Journal of Language & Literature ( Print & Online): A Peer-reviewed International Journal of Language and Literature; Vol.2; Issue.2: June 2013. (ISSN No. 2319-4952 (Print). (ISSN No. 2319-4960 (online).
  'Women & Domestic Violence: An Empirical Study'; Contemporary Research in India: A Peer reviewed Multi-disciplinary International Journal; Vol.3: Issue-2; June 2013; ISSN No. 2231-2137.
  'Marriage System among the Newars in Sikkim'; Research Spectrum: A Peer reviewed National Journal on Language, Literature and Culture; Vol.4. Issue.2.August 2013 .pp.28-33 (ISSN.0976-5964) .
  'Job Satisfaction'; IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; September-October, 2013;( e-ISSN: 2279-0837/ p-ISSN: 2279-0845); Vol.14. Issue No,5; pp.45-54. (Impact Factor: 1.586,-2012)
  'Migrants in Gangtok': Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN No. 2231-6639; Vol.4, Issue.2,October, 2014.
  'Bhutia Tribe in Sikkim: A Sociological Study': With Z.W.Bhutia; IJIRD, ISSN 2278 - 0211 (Online) ,Vol 3 (11), November, 2014.pp.322-326.
 'Socio-Economic Status of Bhutia Tribe in Sikkim' .with Z.W.Bhutia: Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Arts & Education, Online ISSN-2277-1182, Vol 3 (11), November, 2014. pp.10-14.
  'Life Skill Education in School Curriculum'; a chapter with M.Mohapatra in the edt, book Life Skill Education: Challenges and Prospects. November 2014. ISBN. 9789383701056.
  'Empathy Skill ; a chapter with Ms. A.Sharma in the edt, book Life Skill Education: Need and Importance. November 2014. ISBN. 9789383701063.
 'A Sociological Study of Bhutanese Student Migrants and their Economic Behaviour in Sikkim' with S.K.Katel in Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN No. 2231-6639; Vol.5, Issue.1, April, 2015, pp.1-18.
  'Immigration in South Asia: A Study of the Impact of Bangladeshi Immigrants on Local People in Kendrapara District of Odisha' ; Chapter in edited book on ' Human Resource Mobility in South Asia : Achievement and Implications'; G.B. Books Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2015. Pp.109 - 124. ISBN. 978-93-83930-17-3.
  'Drug Addiction in Sikkim : A Sociological Study'; in IRA- International Journal of Management & Social Sciences, V4.(1), pp. 130-141, ISSN- 2455-2267; DOI. http:/ ( Impact Factor-2.76), July, 2016.

Edited Books: ( With Prof. P.L.Mohapatra.)
  Life Skill Education: Challenges and Prospects. November 2014. ISBN. 9789383701056.
  Life Skill Education: Need and Importance. November 2014. ISBN. 9789383701063. News Paper Publications 'Drug Addiction', The Sikkim Now', Dt. 06/05/2006. 'Globalization: Impact on Indian Society', The Sikkim Now', Dt. 12/07/2006 Members of Professional Bodies:
  Life Member, Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi.
  Member, East Zone Sociological Promotion Council
  Associate Editor, Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, Gangtok.
  Associate Editor, IRA Journal of Management and Social Sciences
  Associate Editor, IRA Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies
 Member, U.G. Syllabus Framing Committee in Sociology, Sikkim University, 2008,2014 Member, Sikkim University, 1st Review Committee, 2013.
 Coordinator, IGNOU Study Centre, Code 2417 from July 2013. Member, 1st College Development Council, Sikkim University from December 2013 to 2016.
  Convener, U.G. & P.G Syllabus Framing Committee in Education, Sikkim University,2014
 Member, Board of Studies in Sociology, Sikkim University, 2016.

Professional Experience:
1. Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Indira Gandhi Mahila Mohavidyalaya, Udala, Mayurbhanj, Odisha
2. Principal, Damber Singh College, Samdur, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim-737102

Affiliated under NBU

Block B, Surya Sen Colony
P.O. : Siliguri Town Dist. : Jalpaiguri,
West Bengal (INDIA), Pin : 734004
Phone (Office): +91 353-2691488
Phone (Helpline): +91 94763 87939

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