Surya Sen Colony, Block B, Siliguri
Dist.: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (India)-734004
Phone : +91 353-2691488, +91 94763 87939


Govt. Aided College & Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b) :: Established in: 1998
Masterda Surya Sen

Indian revolutionary
and School Teacher

22 Mar1894 - 12 Jan 1934


Best Practices - 2023-24





Title of the Practice


1.  Objectives of the Practice (20 words)

To cultivate a research ecosystem and inspire the academic community to engage actively in contemporary scholarly pursuits.

2.   The Context (30 words)

Challenges included sustaining motivation among faculty and ensuring consistent participation, which were critical to designing and implementing the practice effectively.

3.   The Practice (50 words)

The initiative offers a platform for faculty to share research, explore new academic fields, and inspire budding researchers. Its uniqueness lies in promoting interdisciplinary engagement, despite occasional constraints in scheduling sessions exclusively on Saturdays.

4.   Evidence of Success (40 words)

The initiative fostered significant research interest, with plans underway to publish the presented papers, showcasing progress toward institutional benchmarks and a thriving research culture.

5.    Problems Encountered and Resources Required (30 words)

Scheduling lectures on Saturdays proved challenging. College-sponsored mementos and minor incentives were necessary to ensure consistent faculty participation and maintain enthusiasm.

6.   Additional Information (30 words)

This practice can inspire similar initiatives in other institutions, fostering collaborative research environments and encouraging the documentation and dissemination of academic work through publications or workshops.



Title of the Practice


1.  Objectives of the Practice (20 words)

To bridge India’s ancient past with modernity by showcasing iconic figures, fostering awareness of India’s rich historical and cultural heritage.

2.  The Context (30 words)

Convincing authorities of its impact and identifying spaces for displaying photographs with write-ups were key challenges in conceptualizing and implementing this practice effectively.

3.  The Practice (50 words)

The initiative involves naming rooms after iconic Indian personalities, replacing numerical identifiers with meaningful references. It highlights their contributions and educates students through visual displays. This unique approach to knowledge dissemination instills pride in India’s heritage while inspiring future generations.

4.  Evidence of Success (40 words)

Students have become familiar with Indian icons, fostering cultural appreciation. Routine use of names like "Kalidas Kaksh" instead of numbers demonstrates widespread acceptance and integration of the practice within institutional culture.

5.  Problems Encountered and Resources Required (30 words)

Initially, finding a designer was challenging. A faculty member from English volunteered for the task, and the institution funded the frames and write-ups to ensure successful implementation.

Best Practices - 2022-23





  • To generate awareness of types of physical harassment and violence against women.
  • Raise awareness about common threats and risks faced by girls.
  • Equip girls with practical self-defence techniques tailored to their physical capabilities.
  • Boost confidence and assertiveness to deter potential attackers.
  • Enhance physical fitness and agility for better self-protection.
  • Develop a quick and decisive mindset to respond effectively in emergencies.
  • Educate on boundary-setting and assertive communication skills.
  • Empower girls to recognise and avoid dangerous situations whenever possible.



  • Ensuring the safety of girls is a critical concern in our society, with frequent reports of violence against women going unreported, fostering a culture of fear.
  • Women face various challenges, from verbal abuse to physical and sexual violence, often enduring mental anguish alone.
  • Recognizing women's physical vulnerability, the college felt that it's crucial to equip them with self-defense skills.
  • Proper training empowers women to navigate threats confidently, utilizing self-defense techniques for protection rather than harm.
  • The institution has taken proactive steps to address this issue, offering free basic karate training to female students through collaborative efforts.
  • These three-month courses, organized by the Life Skill & Well Being Cell, NCC, NSS, and the Alumni Association, provide invaluable skills and foster empowerment. By imparting self-defence techniques and promoting quick thinking, these initiatives serve as a protective shield, enabling women to confront challenges with resilience.


A significant number of female students at the college come from financially disadvantaged and uneducated backgrounds, which makes them more vulnerable to dangerous situations. Even female students from urban areas have expressed their concerns about safety and security. To address these issues, the college authority has developed strategies to provide female students with self-defence techniques through existing cells and committees. Female students receive training to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to address abuse and harassment. This is done through comprehensive gender sensitization programs conducted by various departments and Cells within the institution, such as the Women's Cell and the Internal Complaint Committee. These programs cover topics such as physical and mental harassment, legal counselling, and psychological support, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all female students.

  • Live demo classes and practice are crucial for female students to help them feel confident and safe. To provide these training facilities, the institution's Life Skill and Wellbeing Cell, Alumni Association, NSS, and NCC have organized sessions for female students both within and outside the campus in their adopted villages.
  • The Sensei of the program instils self-reliance in female students, imparting techniques to navigate vulnerable situations effectively.
  • Counseling emphasises that self-defense is not about strength or causing harm, but instead focuses on targeting soft spots and utilizing objects to escape safely.
  • To accommodate many students, training sessions are conducted in batches, ensuring personalised attention and effective learning outcomes.


Over the past few years, the self-defence program has been running successfully. At first, only a few students showed interest, but gradually more students joined due to their friends' involvement. Once they became familiar with the training, their interest grew, and they wanted to continue to a higher level. As a result, the number of participants has been increasing every year. In 2021, the Life Skill and Well Being Cell trained 1200 female students. In 2022, the Life Skill and Well Being Cell, along with the Alumni, organized the training of 1272 students. This was followed by 1100 students, which was the combined number of both cells. In 2023, the number of students who took part in the program reached 2400. A survey conducted by the Women's Cell for the 2022-23 session showed that many students wanted to continue the self-defense program beyond the three-month course. This feedback proves that the self-defense program has been a success. In the future, the students' feedback should be considered while introducing the next level of the program.


  • Huge number of female students, makes it difficult for a single trainer to provide proper training to all of them at once.
  • To solve this problem, the interested students are divided into batches.
  • Moreover, a qualified and experienced female trainer is required to give proper hands-on training, so that the girl students feel more at ease.
  • The timing of the classes has to be scheduled either in the early morning or late afternoon hours to avoid clashes with the academic routine. This poses a problem for the female students living in far off places.
  • This problem is addressed by organizing the training sessions in holidays and vacations.
  • Though the self-defence program is free of cost for students, but the trainer has to be outsourced by the college. Therefore, Alumni association of the college came forward with the proposal to organize the training with its own resources.


Besides students, female employees would benefit from self-defence training. Providing a trainer in educational institutions would benefit all women.

Link in the Institutional Website for reference:






  • To provide comprehensive and quality health services to students at affordable rates.
  • Increase student awareness regarding diseases and preventive measures to foster a healthier campus community.
  • Encourage voluntary participation in blood donation camps to support individuals affected by conditions like thalassemia.
  • Offer expert psychological counselling services and regular health check up camps with specialized health care professionals to ensure students' mental and physical well-being.
  • Facilitate student involvement in charitable endeavours to support peers in need.
  • By supporting Students’ Health Home, students become part of the programme that caters to students’ physical and mental health issues all over the state


The Context

The Students’ Health Home is a health care organization, established in 1952 in Kolkata and operates all over the state, committed to provide comprehensive health care services to address physical and mental health needs of the students through a nominal yearly subscription @10/- per student. Notably, SHH provides accessible healthcare services, including doctor consultations, medications, and treatments at minimal costs, catering to a wide spectrum of ailments.

Given the prevalence of economically disadvantaged backgrounds among many college students, coupled with the scarcity and high costs of medical facilities in the city, the college administration recognized need to ensure access to quality healthcare at minimal expense. Motivated by this imperative, the college authorities sought to establish avenues for students to avail themselves of superior medical services. Thus, the college entered into a memorandum with the Students' Health Home, aiming to bridge the gap in healthcare accessibility and affordability for its students.


The Practice

Recognising the paramount importance of providing accessible healthcare to its students, the institution has been an active member of the Students Health Home (SHH) since 2019, marking a significant step forward in catering to the medical needs of thousands of students. With a rich legacy spanning seventy-two years in Bengal, SHH operates seamlessly, boasting 19 Regional Centers and 35 clinics staffed by esteemed doctors from diverse specialties who generously volunteer their expertise for the student’s benefit.

In Siliguri, the center stands prominently at Ashrampara in Panitanki More, ensuring students have easy access to healthcare services. Doctors are available for consultations throughout the week, offering free checkups and medications at nominal rates. Pathological tests are conducted at a marginal fee of only ten rupees, ensuring affordability. Students are referred to the central hospital in Moulali, Kolkata, equipped with 50 beds and state-of-the-art facilities for more complex treatments or surgeries.

In-patient care is provided at a minimal cost of thirty rupees for accommodation and ten for medications per day. Dedicated to the well-being of students, doctors associated with SHH centres volunteer their services, exemplifying a spirit of selflessness and compassion.

In addition to physical health, the college in collaboration with SHH has organized students' psychological well-being, offering counselling sessions and psychoeducation to promote mental wellness. During the lockdown period, online counselling sessions were conducted to ensure continuous support for students.

The institution regularly organizes annual medical camps, blood donation drives, and thalassemia carrier screening camps with the aid of SHH in-campus as well as in the institutions adopted villages.

Unfortunately, free medical facilities offered by SHH is sometimes undervalued despite its effectiveness. Aggressive campaigning is required to promote SHH as a philanthropic organization revolutionizing health care system

The institution’s MoU with SHH resulted into formation of a strong health care ecosystem, providing opportunities to the underprivileged student fraternity to avail quality health care at an affordable cost.

Evidence of Success

The majority of students at this institution come from financially weak families. To address this, the Students Health Home (SHH) provides consultations with experienced doctors from the town. The center is easily accessible, allowing students to visit doctors without long waits. Thus, the tie-up of the college with SHH has helped many students suffering from infections and other health issues. In the past five years, the institutions in collaboration with SHH has organized 5 voluntary blood donation camps, 10 free health check-up camps and also 7 psychological counselling sessions for the students. Additionally, both students and teachers voluntarily donate blood to the SHH camp. Many students have been benefitted by their OPD centres and pathological laboratory facilities.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

  • Many students opt for private nursing homes over SHH centers due to the perception created by advertisements, which falsely imply superior services at a higher cost.
  • Referral to the hospital at Moulali poses challenges for students and families unable to travel to Kolkata, especially for serious health concerns.
  • Due to lack of indoor facilities, students in emergency situations are disinterested to avail the health care service at the centre
  • To overcome these obstacles, SHH should enhance its visibility through consistent and targeted advertising efforts.
  • Moreover, the establishment of regional centers affiliated with local hospitals can ensure accessibility to inpatient care and effectively address the needs of students and their families.



It is recommended that all educational institutions adopt the Students Health Home program to support students in need. Students need to be mindful of their health, as modern lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits can lead to many diseases. Even if individuals have no current health issues, they should undergo medical checkups and blood tests to prevent any future complications. The financial burden of this program can be eased if more students or institutions become members.

Link for Students’ Health Home on the Institution’s Website:

Best Practices - 2021-22




  1. Objective:
  • To foster positive outlook of students in the post pandemic period;
  • To inculcate learning habits and utilization of e-resources;
  • To develop inquisitiveness to approaches and perspectives;
  • To be able to adopt to new situation and face challenges;
  • To encourage them to take active participation in co-curricular activities, programmes and competition.
  • To encourage them to be part of NCC, NSS or as volunteer in different Institutional events;
  • Encourage them to present papers in seminars, wall magazines and annual students’ magazine and
  • To develop confidence to represent college in Outreach programmes, Youth Parliament, etc. 


  1. 3. TheContext: Students are the most important part of an educational institution and the other being the teacher. The past two academic sessions in the Pandemic period have thoroughly changed the trajectory of teaching and learning process. Therefore, the need for proper nurturing and grooming of students both academically and psychologically became the priority, so that, they can be motivated towards learning. They needed to be guided properly in career building and job opportunities. At the same time students need to channelize their energy and thought for social wellbeing of the surroundings and that of the nation.They neededto learn the happiness of sacrifice and selflessness by helping those in need, for this the College followed or participated in number of social services programme, disaster management where student volunteer themselves and learns the happiness of giving to society.


  1. 4. ThePractice:

The youths are our tomorrow, our countries future. Many of them have suffered losses in the family and financial support system. These students of the post pandemic need constant encouragement and counseling to carry on the torch of Hope in life. The departments specially took care of that and carried Mentor-Mentee programmes not only to guide the students in respective subject but provided counseling to help them. The Institutional infrastructure is well equipped with Wi-Fi facilities for students to search and download e-resources. The college website has a separate platforme-ngage for availability of study materials, notes, book chapters for students. The College Library has Open book system facility for students. To motivate them to develop a habit of frequenting libraries and reading the college has an Award for those students who visit the library most. To encourage and develop writing and critical thinking skill in them student centric seminars are organised by the departments where participation is compulsory. Wall magazines and annual students’magazine Unmesh are some other means for the students to come up with creative ideas. Most departments and Cells have Add On courses or certificate course offered to students free of cost in order to motivate them to learn something new that will help them for deciding further career.The departments made sure the participation of at least ten students in each of these programme, so that all the students would get chance in one or other.Workshops and training are also provide in the college to students of all stream for future industrial ready. In this way they are being prepared for tomorrow, to face stage, to face people. Seminars, talks, workshop, gender sensitization programmes and awareness of legal rights, ethical values are all imparted in the college by academicians, experts, and spiritual personalities from time to time to nurture these young minds and help them to be dutiful citizens of future India. Through social services they gain first hand experiences and become more compassionate towards other human beings. The college provides scholarships to many students of merit and needy. Through all these measures during the year the focus was centered on the students to be able to choose a line of further study of their interest, to be able to decide on the availability of opportunities for their career building and overcome stage anxiety and foster public speaking skills.


  1. 5. EvidenceofSuccess: The students participation in all the programmes, Add On, Certificate Courses, Seminars, Students’ Magazine, outreach programme, etc. has been successful to some degree. Students from each and every department participated in all the events and programmes meant for students. They took part in inter-college competition and Youth Parliament and bagged prizes for the institution. The confidence levels of those students are remarkable. The students are serving the society and the nation at their best by being available for any help in times of distress in any part of the town or state. our students represented the College in the Republic Day parade, got Presidential Award for social service and other such recognition from the state


      6.ProblemsEncounteredandResourcesRequired: The Institution caters education to more than seven thousand students. Therefore, it was impossible to include all of them in one co-curricular activity or training. But to maintain fair opportunities certain number of students from each department or cells was given the chances at first phase. They will get their turn in such courses or training in the second phase as these programmes will be continued in future. But each student of the department was given chances to at least be a part of one or other programmes.  Due to unavailability of an auditorium/hall having large sitting capacity for participants was the major problem encountered. To overcome this problem some financial aid from government or higher authority is needed for construction of large auditorium.






Objective: The recent pandemic situation when both teaching and learning modes and methods have undergone lots of changes, from class room to virtual room, chalk and duster to ICT methods, etc. Teachers, another vital part of an educational institution needed some sort of programmes too in order to achieve the following objectives:

  • To introduce different programme of faculty development;
  • To develop balance between mental stress and physical health;
  • To impart training through workshop, seminars, certificate courses and
  • Welfare measures for female faculties.


TheContext: The past two academic sessions was thoroughly new to most of teaching faculties. The traditional method of teaching and learning was shifted thoroughly technological gadgets. When normalcy returned once again teaching and learning needed to be adjusted. Instead of totally giving up what has been learnt a new blended method seemed most apt with this new phase of learning. Thus, teachers needed to continue to learn and teach in the ICT based methods as well as follow the traditional classroom method of chalk and duster. The post pandemic anxiety and health has remained an issue for which some ethical, value oriented training became necessary. ‘As Life must go on’ so does the profession oriented programmes has not been stalled by the pandemic. Thus, the faculty development programme was needed to ensure the progression in teaching learning process.


ThePractice: The IQAC, Research and Development Cell of our institution introduced and carried on different multidisciplinary program for interaction and development for the teaching and non- teaching faculties. Through such program it intended for interdisciplinary research and discussion, encourage new faculties to take on research and training programs under HRDC of Universities, publication of articles and book chapters. To equip with latest digitalized facilities and environment friendly apps the Institution introduced Office automation for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year. Workshop and hands on training were organised in phases. To keep updated the with time our Institution is enrolled in Vidwan portal and all the faculties have registered themselves in this portal. The Research and Development Cell introduced Saturday Rostra for teaching faculties. On Saturday after every fortnight a faculty from one department gives a presentation on a topic of his/her choice followed by question and discussion. This multidisciplinary platform was very interesting as varied topic were discussed. IQAC took initiative for 30 hours Faculty Development Programme on Professional Development and Publication where most teachers participated. Apart from that each department in Arts building has ICT classroom to facilitate quality teaching, departmental staffroom with attach washroom and daycare facility for staff children have been provided by the Institution. To encourage participation of faculties in seminars/workshop in other colleges or universities, the Institution provides the registration fees of the paper presenters. Teachers are felicitated for being awarded Ph.D. or for publication of their articles in international journals of repute on College Foundation Day. The College supports for carrying on Ph.D. and grants study leave for Course Work that adds credit to India’s higher education rate.


EvidenceofSuccess: Theinitiative was successful as maximum number of teaching faculties participated enthusiastically. New teachers have participated in seminars or workshop in other institution, and more teachers are pursuing their doctoral theses.


ProblemsEncounteredandResourcesRequired: Moreover for supporting such research oriented works number of good books and sources are required along with research centre. Science and Commerce digital resources are costlier and many good e-resources are required by the faculties. Lab facilities for science departments requires efficient scientific tools which are expensive and lack of such infrastructure are hampering high level research work and therefore are required in the institution.



Best Practices - 2020-21




  1. Objective: The Covid 19 pandemic situation has hit hard the economy of most country. The governmental aided institution charges reasonable fees from the students in order to provide education to masses mostly belonging to middle and lower economic sections. But in the past year situation has been difficult to large section of the society. Education becomes secondary when it comes to survival resulting the cases of drop outs. The objective of this practice is to keep the continuity and completion of studies of the students so that their future may be secure and dropout rate be nil.


  1. TheContext: The institution caters knowledge mostly to students coming from low income group in the area. The large number of students in different faculties of the Institution is benefitted in various ways apart from education. Overall development of the students through various activities and counseling are taken care of by the Institution. The successes of the students as a responsible citizen of the country and bright future in career are our goals and achievement. Therefore, keeping this in mind the college Governing Body took the decision to reduce the fees to half so to lighten the burden of the parents already tackling with the pandemic situation. The students were encouraged to continue their studies.


  1. ThePractice: students are our priorities and the institution is concern and takes care of them. Since past years the students benefits from many schemes provided by the college regarding health, insurance, etc. The College has been providing full and half scholarship to students of merits and in need from past many years. The facilities and resources in multi- Stream College require funding to improve the infrastructure and requirements. But keeping in mind the ongoing pandemic situation and the future of our students the college decided to choose to secure the future of students and hence reduce the fees to half of what they were suppose to pay. Even then there were many who could not afford to pay that much. Relaxation in days and no fines were charged from the students. Moreover the college continued the practice of full and half fee scholarship along with this practice. As many as 4 students were given full fee scholarship and 9 half fee scholarships in this session. Along with this 130 students received free uniforms worth Rs.1,04,000/ and 1 student received medical aid of Rupees 20,000. The Institution has almost 7000 students strength. Reduction of fees to all definitely affects the maintenance in other areas of the institution but the practice was for its worth. As students are the pivots of any institution and future of our country, the practice of reduction of fees indeed was the call of the hour.


  1. EvidenceofSuccess: The practice proved success. The effort to ease the economic burden on the students and continuity of their studies achieved its targets. There was none of the students who did not appear in exam due to non-payment of fees. The last Semester students successfully appeared in exam and completed their graduation.


  1. ProblemsEncounteredandResourcesRequired: The Institution took full care to inform all the students of this big step through website and social media Whatsapp group, facebook. The main problem encountered by the College was to make up the financial burden of the College due to such holistic practice. There was no extra financial support from other sources that could have been helpful. But nonetheless the College achieved its goal in benefitting large number of students. If some extra resources in future towards this practice become available from government or other sources it would benefit many students who come from poor financial condition.




  1. Objective: The main objective of this measure is to enhance awareness among students of social problems and nonprofits, improve critical thinking, communication, leadership, life skills, attitudes, intentions and behaviors to civic responsibilities. To increase the knowledge of grant seeking and grant making and integrating theory into practice.


  1. TheContext: In the present digital world and connections through social media the generations of young students are more detach from reality. The Institution adopted this method of Philanthropy among students so that opportunities are provided to them through experiential learning to study the social problems and nonprofit organizations.


  1. ThePractice: The Covid’19 situations particularly in developing countries like India with large population needed more number of volunteers apart from those serving in governmental sectors to cope up with the ongoing situations. The students, the future of our country, are the best one to be given firsthand knowledge towards this philanthropy. Many willing students volunteer themselves to help out the people in need. They helped the people by distributing cooked meal at night. Distribution of masks, sanitizers, hand gloves, clothes, etc. collected through charitable donations made by faculties, staff or collection from helpful people was carried by the students.


  1. EvidenceofSuccess: The philanthropic work carried by our students was successful in the sense that they did not give up their good work after completion of one area. Rather they became more aware of the difficulties and day to day problems of the people and volunteered themselves for more such social services. They needed money to buy them medicines, gloves, masks and other food items and did not hesitate to come forward approaching other people for help. Out of such selfless dedication they were able to bring a smile and ray of hope among the needy and destitute. Villages, slum areas, railway platforms wherever the need was felt our students reached out there for help. Not only for lockdown period but in times of natural calamity like cyclone or flood they volunteered themselves. These measures in deed encouraged their determination and boosted self confidence in them. The sense of civic responsibilities and to do something more for the society is materialized practically in them. The world of social media in which most of our young generations are engaged have seen and witnessed the actual lives and harsh realities of many deprived people that are reflected in stories or digital series. Hopefully, small but effective change has been made to the lives of these students, to keep up the good work, to keep faith in humanity and humility. In times of festivals some teacher donated them new clothes to bring a smile on their face. 


  1. ProblemsEncounteredandResourcesRequired: Many parents were afraid of the ongoing Covid’19 situation as many students were not vaccinated and to allow them for volunteering for this philanthropic work in the beginning. Resources finance and food items were insufficient to cover all the people or area in need for continuous supply. But whatever was in the reach of the volunteers they did their best physically with their presence and helping hand to the society.


Best Practices - 2019-20

Title of the Practice

  1. Introduction of G-Suite mechanism during lock down period an enabling Google Tools.
  2. Initiation of Language Lab as a tool for Life-skill development for students.

1.  Objectives:

As Education system worldwide has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic leading to the near or total closure of educational institutions almost everywhere, the effort is to continue the teaching-learning process on a regular basis and create an integrated workspace by using G-Suit mechanism for students and teachers to collaborate, communicate and attend online classes smoothly and successfully. AS Google workspace-plans provide custom –e mails for the institutions and includes collaboration tools like G Suite mails, calendar, Google Meet, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, Google Slides, Google Forms and more. These varieties of features are designed to meet the unique institutional needs online. G suite has been evolved into a more integrated experience across the communicational and collaborative processes. It is one of the essential effective processes from a technical perspective. It helps to draw a holistic picture of ongoing online teaching-learning activities during the lockdown period. The basic purpose of the Language Laboratory is to provide students a platform to enhance English language skills, communication skills and to practice soft skills and also to emphasize the need of English in the business and technical world which prepares students for interviews and future job opportunities.

2.  Context:

To bring all the students under one single umbrella of online interaction, G-Suit serves as an integrated workspace which is simple to use, yet lets one spend less time managing work schedule and more time actually doing it. Tools are used that are best-in-class, can be used from anywhere and help to integrate, customize and extend workspace to meet all the needs. For Language Lab good communication skills are indispensable for the success any professional who wants to reach out to people. The English language in particular has become essential in the lives of young people who aspire to advance their careers anywhere in the world. English being a global language is a must for learning for any Indian student today. The Language Lab plays an important role in this learning process. Language learning is not the same as learning any other subject. It is not confined to writing an examination and getting a degree or certificate. The four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking have to do practiced. Being able to communicate well is the most important factor when seeking a placement in the job market. Communication involves one’s ability to listen carefully so as to grasp the meaning and to respond in turn with apt words and clarity of pronunciation. Language lab is a technological aid for learning and it has a number of advanced facilities that can help a student to learn a language with proficiency to communicate which has become inevitable in today’s context.

3.  Practice:

During home-based learning in the lock down time, initially several methods were adopted by college, for example, sharing information by Whats app, video-calls, through zoom and others platforms online. But G-Suit implementation enabled teachers to create their own classrooms where managing study-materials and documents are easier. One could experience a successful teacher-student interface, G-suite is a free collaboration tool for everyone for distributing assignments, track students attendance and progress, to go for class tests, provide e-study materials and to facilitate interaction in a virtual world. The Language Lab in our Institution is a dedicated space for foreign language learning where students can access audio and audio-visual materials. Teachers are allowed to listen to and manage student audio which is delivered to individual student. After completion of the course, students are awarded with certificates. This recommendation of using a single G suite for Education account with only one domain seems to be very effective. A logical organisational unit structure is created to share resources within classes and other platforms. This simplifies the management of teaching-learning process and flexibility and effectively manages our G suite for Education account.

4.  Evidence of success:

G-Suite mechanism proved to be very effective during this learn-from-home period. Students not only got used to this system but also learnt to have smooth access to engage portal of College for study materials, audio and video-clips etc. Language Lab is more than a tool for training and learning a global language, but to study and experiment with real samples of language and exercise in its use. Students also learn about multimedia technology and communications and a high degree skill development. They can always head for better options with the help of this. Thus Language Lab fosters a digital literacy responding to new educational and social needs. Teachers of language lab wholeheartedly admit that it has been a great tool for the students as the application is student-friendly. Extempore is designed to be incredibly easy to use for both instructors and students. Student submissions are automatically saved along with the instructor’s personal feedback. Whether it is a low stake activity or a formal oral exam, everything is organised all in one place which students can access effortlessly.

5.  Problems Encountered:

No such problem worth mentioning in regard to G-Suite implementation. Orientations as to how to use classrooms with the help of Institutional mail-ids were provided for the students. Regarding Language Lab problem of space, stationeries and numbers of computers have been solved by extension of space and allocating more funds for purchasing computers and other necessities.

Best Practices - 2018-19

1.  Title of the Practice

     i. Use of LED Lighting
     ii.  Students' Health Home, medical assistance for students

2.   Objectives

   Firstly, to use LED luminaries in the institution means it will cut energy and maintenance costs of the institution drastically. As our institution experiences high occupancy of energy throughout the day and even at night comprising of various areas like corridors, stairs, classrooms, office, labs, hallways, College premises at night time etc, making them vulnerable to accidents and mishaps, use of LED lights can save the institution of this kind of untoward situations. It also ensures the safety of students and staff.

Secondly , all regular students taking admission in Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya have to go for membership of the Students'Health Home where they can seek and get medical assistance at a very low cost. This membership entitles them to avail the benefits of SHH only by producing their current feebook and photo ID at the reception counter of the Home and receive fair treatment. Institution's objective is to provide for them  medical advice in the easiest possible way in order to keep them in a state of good health.

3. The Context

Being sensitive and responsive to the environment is a part of our Higher Education Curriculum. LEDs are mercury free and one hundred percent recyclable, thus making them the most environmentally safe lighting option and it also uses less energy than any lighting technology on the market. Favourable lighting condition and suitable illumination also aid in the creation of an optimal visual setting, produce minimum glare to ensure comfortability which is conducive to learning, as it is asserted  that environmental conditions in educational institutions lay a significant influence on the health and bahaviour of the students.

Coming to the Students' Health Home, at any part of our state, any student of any member - institution would go to their nearest SHH regional centre for consulting physicians which is free and they would be served medicine only at rs 5/- per day despite any actual cost. It is evident that good health improves learning potentials which is also acknowledged by our National Education Policy. Students are to study with healthy minds and bodies . So to provide low-cost health care for Students is a responsibility of this institution.

4. The Practice

Experts claim that integration of natural light in Educational Institutions is one of the best ways to boost the overall efficiency of the students. As humans are biologically designed to be exposed to natural lights , LED lighting serves this purpose the best. So in Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya this is a human centric lighting solution that works in harmony with Earth's natural cycle and it has been programmed to emulate natural daylight.

Similarly in regard to the Students'Health Home, the World Bank and WHO made a comparison of the cost effectiveness of various public health programs and concluded that an educational institution that provides safe and low-cost health service is most effective for Students. So the goal being Health for All and Education for All , Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya has taken up this comprehensive approach to make the membership of SHH mandatory for all students enrolling in this College.

5. Evidence of Success

LED lighting condition in Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya has proved to be a a very favourable lighting option which is a proper eco-friendly lighting system for both students' visual comfortability and safety and at the same  being very much cost-effective.

As Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya is based in a semi-rural area and Students mostly are from lower income group , this almost free medical counselling and treatment by the Students'Health Home is much beneficial for them. In order to avail low-cost ,easy and ready medical assistance , Regular students' membership of the SHH during 2018 - 2019 session is as follows,
1st year : 2606
2nd year : 1300
3rd year : 908
Total  4814 Students.

6. Problems Encountered

Considering all the benefits of LED lighting system, there was no problem in decision making on part of the College Administrative Body for installing it.

As the Students' Health Home is a non charity Social benefit organization aimed to help students and also imparts to the students mode of knowledge about preventive and social aspects of medicine and develop in them idea of civic health responsibilities through arranging lectures, debates, symposiums for creating social awareness, no such problem arose for implementation  of mandatory membership of the Home .

7. Notes

Apart from the above-mentioned best practices, College also has been working on the following practice

1. Language Lab under the aegis of English Department is on the verge of completion. Computers with headphones and software have been purchased, classes will start from next academic session 2019-20.

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